Tides-Rider with built-in Nextor

Tides-Rider with built-in Nextor

Today we have published the first beta of the built-in Nextor with driver for a native SD-Card module.

This is a major achievement by our friend and tester Armando, who developed the driver in his Tides-Rider while testing it at turbo speed 20 Mhz!

In addition to provide great speed, it leaves both expansion slots free while booting  using the built-in megarom mapper and the Nextor image in the flash rom.

The micro SD-Card slot is mounted in a small module which plugs in the video expansion connector. It supports both MicroSD and MicroSDHC cards

How it works?

The capability of booting from a mass storage device is planned since we allocated a slot in the Tides-Rider memory map with ASCII16 for Nextor.

Tides-Rider memory map

Previously, the built-in Nextor could be used with legacy disk controllers which have a dos1 kernel, allowing you to boot these controllers in dos2 mode with a disk including suitable files (NEXTOR.SYS or MSXDOS2.SYS).

Now that a native (Nextor native) driver is added, you can get a modern micro-sd controller to work with Nextor providing great speed and convenient micro-sd media like other known modern mass storage solutions for MSX. As this functionality is provided by the internally expanded slot 3, all physical slots in the Tider-Rider remain free to use with classic or dma cartridges!

How to upgrade?

The upgrade requires both a software upgrade of the Nextor image (in the main flash rom) and the micro-sd slot module.

  • Current nextor image with the micro-sd driver can be downloaded from our repository.
  • To obtain the micro-sd slot module, contact miguel at genami.shop by email, as we are not providing it as a separate item.

 Update: We have an update tool to flash from msxdos: Romeo



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