The Tides-Rider board is a classic-chip based modern msx board which provides top performance and an up-to-date connectivity (as much as possible) with actual hardware.
It is provided as a fully assembled board (all the soldered componentes) but requires most classic chips to be populated by the user or developer. The chips are easily fitted without tools, the board is fully socketed.
In addition to the assembled board you need some environment (cabling and keyboard) to use it. A best effort of connectivity options have been made to make it easy for you to get all you need. Some parts have more than an option and some are completely optional.
What is included
- The main board, fully assembled. No need to solder anything
- The flash rom, full size (4Mbit) already programmed with two rom-sets. Once every other chip is inserted int the sockets, the system is ready to boot
What is needed to assemble the board
- Z80 CPU (Z84C0020 in DIP40, see note)
- VDP V9958
- VDP DRAM (4X 64Kx4, DIP18)
- RP5C01A (AKA RTC, DIP18)
- AY-3-8910 or YM2149F (DIP40)
Note that all Z84Cxxx tested worked at 20 Mhz, from Z84C0006 to Z84C0020, including Z84C0008 and Z84C0010. A good source one is recommended, even if it is NOT a real 20Mhz version (many chips are remarked as 20Mhz today, in obscure sources)
What is optional
- YM2413 (AKA OPLL, DIP18)
This IC is optional, the MSX works just the same if you don't provide it, but with no FM sound.
What is needed to use the board
To use the board you need to provide external power, a video connection to TV or monitor, and a keyboard.
The external AC to CC adapter
You need a common AC adapter which can provide 12V CC (12 to 16V is ok) min. 0.8 Amp.
Optionally you may like to interpose a jumper cable with a switch, to turn-off the system without unplugging the AC adapter (if your adapter doesn't have a switch itself)
The video cable
The video output of the Tides-Rider is analog RGB provided by a classic VGA HD 15 pin connector with industry standard pinout. This connector is both easy to obtain and many cables are available for many uses. Note that the unmodified MSX video is 15 kHz hsync, either in 50 (PAL europe) or 60Hz (NTSC USA-Japan)
See the user guide if you want to make or verify your own cable and check your monitor or TV compatibility.
The keyboard
You need at least a keyboard as the primary input for the msx. The keyboard connector provided in the board is the same in the Omega MSX computer, thus the same keyboard can be used.
You can use a nice usb keyboard adapter too:
(Thanks to Antonio for sharing with us his photos of his Tides-Rider and accessories)